District Addresses Chronic Absenteeism

Grand Rapids Public Schools in Michigan has reduced their number of chronically absent students over the past few years. How did they do this? Examining their data, creating a culture for success, looking at their school-community partnerships, and family engagement. Read this NPR article for their story.

Radio Interview with NDPC Director Dr. Addis

Listen to this radio Interview with NDPC Director Dr. Addis on dropping out and the 15 Effective Strategies. This interview took place on KCPS radio May 25, 2016.

Interview Part One: Start at the 11 Minute Mark

Interview Part Two

Podcast on Blended Learning Featuring Sari Factor of Edgenuity

Check out this podcast program featuring Innovation Partner, Edgenuity. Sari Factor explains the vlaue of blended learning, and Edgenuity’s expansion into 17,000 schools. Podcast via Edsurge.


National Dropout Prevention Center/Network and K12 Inc. Are Taking Solutions Show on the Road!

Sponsorship Enables Increased Awareness of Dropout Prevention Programs and Policies

Clemson, S.C. (April 20, 2016) The National Dropout Prevention Center/Network (NDPC/N) is pleased to announce that K12, Inc., a technology-based education company and leading provider of proprietary curriculum and online school programs for students in pre-K through high school, is now sponsoring Solutions to the Dropout Crisis, a television format webcast that delivers practical strategies for graduation rate improvement to educators across the nation.

K12’s sponsorship will upgrade the Solutions webcast format to provide more comprehensive coverage, helping to increase awareness of dropout prevention programs and policies. Since it began 71 episodes ago, the weekly, hour-long Solutions webcast has originated from studios at Clemson University. With K12’s sponsorship, Solutions will change to a news magazine format, filming at locations nationwide, allowing for dynamic, onsite coverage of some of the most important issues in education today.

“While Solutions to the Dropout Crisis has always been well-respected as a professional development tool to share successful strategies and best practices, we expect the revitalized format and on-site filming opportunities to ignite additional interest in the webcasts,” notes Dr. Sandy Addis, Director of the NDPC/N. “That, in turn, will allow the NDPC/N to further promote awareness of successful programs and policies related to dropout prevention.”

“We are proud to support this important effort to reach more viewers and educators across the nation on improving graduation rates. The Solutions program is an excellent platform for K12 to support NDPC/Ns mission which is closely aligned to our own to put students first in everything we do to maximize their potential to learn and achieve,” says Stuart Udell, Chief Executive Officer of K12 Inc. “This sponsorship will allow our two organizations to work in tandem to create meaningful opportunities that will enrich the lives of children across the country.”

Mr. Udell is a current member of the NDPN Board of Directors and past chair of the NDPN Board.

Solutions to the Dropout Crisis airs on the second Tuesday of every month at 3:30 p.m. Eastern Time and covers a variety of topics related to dropout prevention efforts. Archived webcasts are available at www.dropoutprevention.org.

About the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network (NDPC/N)

Established in 1986 with a mission to reduce dropout rates, the NDPC/N shares solutions for student success and dropout prevention through its clearinghouse function, active research and evaluation projects, publications, and a variety of professional development activities and conferences. The organizations websitewww.dropoutprevention.orgis the nations leading resource in providing effective, research-based solutions to engaging students and reducing dropout. The NDPC/N is housed in the Eugene T. Moore School of Education at Clemson University in Clemson, South Carolina.

About K12 Inc.

K12 Inc. (NYSE:LRN) is driving innovation and advancing the quality of education by delivering state-of-the-art, digital learning platforms and technology to students and school districts across the globe. K12’s award winning curriculum serves more than 2,000 schools and school districts and has delivered more than four million courses over the past decade. K12 is a company of educators with the nation’s largest network of K-12 online school teachers, providing instruction, academic services and learning solutions to public schools and districts, traditional classrooms, blended school programs and directly to families. The K12 program is offered through K12 partner public schools in 33 states and the District of Columbia, and through school districts and public and private schools serving students in all 50 states and more than 100 countries. More information can be found at K12.com.


The National Dropout Prevention Center/Network and K12 Inc. announce K12s sponsorship of Solutions to the Dropout Crisis at the At-Risk Youth National FORUM in Myrtle Beach, SC. Pictured (L to R) are Dr. George J. Petersen, Founding Dean, Eugene T. Moore School of Education, Clemson University; Dr. Sandy Addis, Director, National Dropout Prevention Center/Network, Clemson, SC; and Stuart J. Udell, Chief Executive Officer, K12, Inc., Herndon, VA.

For Additional Information Contact:

Lynn Dunlap, Director of Public Information
National Dropout Prevention Center/Network
Phone: 864-656-2678

Edgenuity and National Dropout Prevention Network Partner to Increase High School Graduation Rates

Educators Receive Network Membership to Foster Best Practices and Research-Based Solutions for At-Risk Youth

Clemson, SC April 18, 2016 In an effort to help increase high school graduation rates, Edgenuity, a leading provider of online and blended learning solutions, today announced a partnership with the National Dropout Prevention Network (NDPN).

The partnership builds on Edgenuity’s work over the last two decades with thousands of schools to keep at-risk students engaged and enable them to graduate on time with the use of technology. Together, Edgenuity and NDPN will promote a dialogue about effective dropout prevention strategies and provide stakeholders with resources, research and best practices. NDPN is the outreach arm of the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network (NDPC/N), the world’s leading resource on strategies to reduce school dropout.

“Advances in education technology have created more options for a student to receive a quality education than ever before. However, nearly one in five students annually, over 700,000 children, are still leaving school without a diploma,”said Sari Factor, CEO of Edgenuity and NDPN board member. “By sharing best practices and research-based solutions, we can increase engagement and inspire students to stay in school. NDPC/N fosters collaboration among educators, and we are excited to offer our partner schools and districts the opportunity to join in that conversation.”

Proactive Strategies to Address the Dropout Problem with Technology: An Example from Henrico County Public Schools

Henrico County Public Schools (HCPS), the sixth largest public school district in Virginia, works to identify students before they become susceptible to dropping out. After discovering that most students drop out after ninth grade, HCPS now offers an innovative program for students who are failing their first semester of ninth grade. By providing students targeted online courses coupled with face-to-face instruction and support for credit recovery, HCPS helps ensure students stay on track for the rest of freshman year, and ultimately for graduation.

“We want to do everything we can to help our students believe in themselves and to understand that they have an opportunity to earn their high school diploma,” said Justine Jordan, Extended Learning Specialist at Henrico County Public Schools. “Edgenuity has enabled many of our students to come back into the fold, realize their potential and take control of their future.”

Edgenuity and NDPC/N: Helping Educators Improve Graduation Rates

Through the partnership, Edgenuity customers are eligible for free one-year memberships to the National Dropout Prevention Network. NDPN members receive access to NDPC/N’s wide range of resources to assist educators and other practitioners concerned about at-risk youth. Through the Network, they can build relationships with other educators and organizations joined in dropout prevention efforts.

“Edgenuity recognizes that educators must consider research, think strategically, and select the best solutions to significantly raise graduation rates,” said Dr. Sandy Addis, Director of the NDPC/N. “Solving the dropout crisis means educators, researchers, and private sector providers must work together to share information and strategies.”

About Edgenuity

Edgenuity is a leading provider of online curriculum and services with implementations in 8 of the top 10 school districts in the U.S.  Our rigorous, standards-aligned digital content is fully flexible for use in any online or blended learning model to support a personalized learning environment, from NCAA-approved virtual courses to honors and Advanced Placement offerings to test preparation, credit recovery, and intervention. Edgenuity’s Blended Learning Services, Instructional Services and Professional Development offerings, as well as supplemental programs such as Edgenuity MyPath, help students, educators and districts achieve success in their online learning programs. For more information, visit Edgenuity.com.

About the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network (NDPC/N)

Established in 1986 with a mission to reduce dropout rates, the NDPC/N shares solutions for student success and dropout prevention through its clearinghouse function, active research and evaluation projects, publications, and a variety of professional development activities and conferences. The organization’s websitewww.dropoutprevention.orgis the nation’s leading resource in providing effective, research-based solutions to engaging students and reducing dropout. The NDPC/N is housed in the Eugene T. Moore School of Education at Clemson University in Clemson, South Carolina.


Edgenuity Contacts:

Hayley Milbourn
Sloane & Company


Leslie Sobon


NDPC/N Contact:

Lynn Dunlap
National Dropout Prevention Center/Network


National Dropout Prevention Network Board Member Named Superintendent of Schools for Los Angeles County Office of Education

Clemson, S.C. (April 8, 2016) – The National Dropout Prevention Network (NDPN) is pleased to recognize Dr. Debra Duardo’s appointment as superintendent of the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE). Dr. Duardo serves as the current NDPN Vice Chair, Executive Committee, and was formerly the Recording Secretary, Executive Committee. In August 2016, Dr. Duardo will have served on the NDPN Board of Directors for 10 years.

Bob Collins, Chairman of the NDPN Board, notes, “Dr. Duardo has extensive experience in the field of education, but she also has an unparalleled passion for education and students driven by her personal story. Her career has been devoted to the developing solutions and resources that help students succeed in school and graduate. We are extremely excited to offer our congratulations to Dr. Duardo as she accepts her new responsibilities.”

“Dr. Duardo brings not only a unique perspective to our NDPN Board of Directors based on her own early life experiences, she also brings an outstanding amount of expertise and knowledge to the NDPN’s efforts to continue to reduce the dropout rate nationwide,” said Sandy Addis, Director of the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network at Clemson University. “Over her nearly ten years as a member of the NDPN Board of Directors, she has provided invaluable guidance and has unfailingly supported our work. Dr. Duardo’s recent appointment speaks to the outstanding caliber of the NDPN Board as a whole. Their guidance and support allows us to continue our mission and to remain the premier resource for dropout strategies, resources, and research.”

Prior to her appointment as superintendent of schools for Los Angeles County Office of Education, Dr. Duardo held positions as Los Angeles United School District’s Director of Pupil Services and of Dropout Prevention and Recovery. She was also the executive director of Student Health and Human Services Division, a position in which she managed a $200 million budget and more than 1,800 employees of the Los Angeles Unified School District.

Duardo’s new responsibilities as the superintendent for LACOE includes running schools for juvenile offenders and other at-risk youth, such as pregnant teens and truant students, and special education programs for other school districts. In addition, the Los Angeles County Office of Education also oversees the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts and International Polytechnic High School.

“It is an honor and a privilege to lead the Los Angeles County Office of Education and to serve on the Board of the National Dropout Prevention Network. Together, these two organizations represent my passion for education, including education for at-risk youth, and for dropout prevention,” said Duardo. “Without education, students face limitations they would not otherwise face. It is particularly important that at-risk students have an active advocate for education. Helping students succeed and graduate requires the best ideas and efforts of educators and the support of agencies like the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network.”

About the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network (NDPC/N) 

Established in 1986 with a mission to reduce dropout rates, the NDPC/N shares solutions for student success and dropout prevention through its clearinghouse function, active research and evaluation projects, publications, and a variety of professional development activities and conferences. The organization’s website—www.dropoutprevention.org—is the nation’s leading resource in providing effective, research-based solutions to engaging students and reducing dropout. The NDPC/N is housed in the Eugene T. Moore School of Education at Clemson University in Clemson, South Carolina.


For Additional Information Contact:

Lynn Dunlap, Director of Public Information
National Dropout Prevention Center/Network
Phone: 864-656-2678
Email: ldunlap@clemson.edu

Fannin County Participates in Diploma Planning Institute

Fannin County High School and Fannin County Middle School participated in a Diploma Planning Institue led by NDPC and Pioneer Regional Educational Service Area (RESA). Learn more about DPI here.


National Dropout Prevention Center/Network and National Alternative Education Association Join Forces

Clemson, S.C. (March 4, 2016) – The National Dropout Prevention Center/ Network (NDPC/N) announced a collaborative partnership between the NDPC/N and the National Alternative Education Association (NAEA) to address dropout prevention and recovery strategies. The announcement was made by Dr. Sandy Addis, Director of the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network, and Ms. Kay Davenport, President of the National Alternative Education Association, at the At-Risk Youth National FORUM in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

The NDPN–NAEA partnership will inform stakeholders in both organizations on mutual capabilities in dropout prevention and recovery and will feature collaborations on regional and national forums and conferences dedicated to sharing effective dropout reduction strategies.

“The National Alternative Education Association membership has always valued the work of NDPC/N. The new partnership established between NAEA and NDPC/N is an exciting one and a natural fit. Both organizations will be strengthened as we share resources and offer joint membership,” noted Davenport. “I am most excited about NDPC/N’s creation of the National Dropout Prevention Specialist Certification Program which includes many elements consistent with NAEA’s approach to providing alternative learning environments for students and helps put the inherent value of alternative education in the forefront of dropout prevention efforts. Alternative education programs are specifically tailored to meet the needs of students who may be struggling or are at risk of dropping out. Together we can ensure that every young person may find a path to the educational goals of the community,” she continued.

“Because both the NDPC/N and the NAEA share a common goal and mission in dropout prevention and recovery, the stakeholders of both organizations will reap the benefits of the partnership,” stated Addis. “We’re excited about the opportunity to share resources, research and best practices with the many like-minded members of NAEA. Through our work together, we can broaden dropout prevention, remediation and recovery resources and increase distribution of those resources so that even more practitioners and other stakeholders have access to cutting edge research, information and opportunities for collaboration. The opportunities for collaboration are tremendous and I look forward to exploring them as the NDPC/N continues our mission to increase graduation rates through research and evidence-based solutions.”

Established in 1986 as a national center and network to bring research to practice and provide solutions for engaging and supporting at-risk students and reducing the dropout rate, the NDPC/N has become the country’s leading resource for proven dropout prevention strategies and programs. The NAEA is committed to best practice, resource sharing, research and networking to benefit youth and children through alternative learning options.

About the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network (NDPC/N)

Established in 1986 as a national center and network to bring research to practice and provide solutions for engaging and supporting at-risk students and reducing the dropout rate, the NDPC/N shares solutions for student success and dropout prevention through its clearinghouse function, active research and evaluation projects, publications, and a variety of professional development activities and conferences. The organization’s website—www.dropoutprevention.org—is the nation’s leading resource in providing effective, research-based solutions to engaging students and reducing dropout. The NDPC/N is housed in the Eugene T. Moore School of Education at Clemson University in Clemson, South Carolina.

About The National Alternative Education Association

The National Alternative Education Association (NAEA) is made up of teachers, counselors, para-professionals, crisis workers, https://dropoutprevention.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/C.W.-Gardenhire-pic.jpgistrators, school resource officers, board members and others who are interested in and committed to best practice, resource sharing, research and networking to benefit youth and children through alternative learning options. NAEA offers membership and affiliation opportunities, professional development opportunities and current research in addition to public policy advocacy efforts. For more information, go to www.the-naea.org.


Dr. Sandy Addis, Director of the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network, and Kay Davenport, President of the National Alternative Education Association, announce the organizations’ collaboration at the 2016 At-Risk Youth National FORUM in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

The National Dropout Prevention Network and Edgenuity Announce Innovation Partnership

Clemson, SC (February 18, 2016) — The National Dropout Prevention Network (NDPN) and Edgenuity have formed a strategic alliance as part of the organizations’ shared commitment to help reduce the nation’s dropout rates and to enable students to graduate successfully from high school. Edgenuity is the sixth organization to become an NDPN Innovation Partner.

“Combating high school dropout rates is a critical endeavor and requires collaboration among all stakeholders in the education ecosystem,” said Sari Factor, CEO of Edgenuity. “Edgenuity, through our proven success in helping to reduce dropout rates, shares NDPN’s determination to increase graduation rates through increasing awareness and opportunities for all students. We are excited to continue that mission as an NDPN Innovation Partner.”

Through the NDPN and Edgenuity partnership, the two organizations will collaborate on regional and national forums and conferences dedicated to sharing effective dropout reduction strategies, work to improve student outcomes toward graduation and beyond and provide stakeholders with access to information regarding resources, research and best practices.

“The partnership with Edgenuity allows our Network to provide even broader resources for stakeholders and increases our capacity to provide those resources. The mission of the NDPN is to provide teachers, counselors, https://dropoutprevention.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/C.W.-Gardenhire-pic.jpgistrators, and school districts with effective, research-based solutions to help eliminate dropout, including identification and support of at-risk students,” said Dr. Sandy Addis, Director of the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network (NDPC/N). “Edgenuity adds yet another resource to assisting our stakeholders.”

Edgenuity provides engaging and achievement-focused blended learning education solutions geared toward enhancing student success, empowering teachers, and enabling schools and districts to meet their academic goals. Edgenuity provides course content and curriculum that is both rigorous and engaging, both critical to student success. The company’s over 200 core and elective courses are built on instructional models grounded in research. They engage students with direct-instruction videos taught by expert, on-screen teachers, interactive learning tools, and checks for understanding embedded strategically throughout each lesson.

About the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network (NDPC/N)

Established in 1986 with a mission to reduce dropout rates, the NDPC/N shares solutions for student success and dropout prevention through its clearinghouse function, active research and evaluation projects, publications, and a variety of professional development activities and conferences. The organization’s Web site—www.dropoutprevention.org—is the nation’s leading resource in providing effective, research-based solutions to engaging students and reducing dropout. The NDPC/N is housed in the Eugene T. Moore School of Education at Clemson University in Clemson, SC.

About Edgenuity

Edgenuity provides engaging online and blended learning education solutions that propel success for every student, empower every teacher to deliver more effective instruction, and enable schools and districts to meet their academic goals. Edgenuity delivers a range of Core Curriculum, AP®, Elective, Career and Technical Education (CTE), and Credit Recovery courses aligned to the rigor and high expectations of state, Common Core and iNACOL standards and designed to inspire life-long learning.



Edgenuity Innovation Partnership Release Photo
The National Dropout Prevention Center/Network and Edgenuity announce their partnership at the At-Risk Youth National FORUM in Myrtle Beach, SC. Pictured (L to R) are Dr. George J. Petersen, Founding Dean, Eugene T. Moore School of Education, Clemson University; Ms. Sari Factor, Chief Executive Officer, Edgenuity, Scottsdale, AZ; and Dr. Sandy Addis, Director, National Dropout Prevention Center/Network, Clemson, SC.
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