Professional Learning Events
The National Dropout Prevention Center offers numerous professional learning opportunities and events, from our large, broadly based, annual national conferences and forums to more focused regional forums, conferences, workshops, and summits to countless customized events planned and executed by our conference team, NDPC staff, and contracted content experts. Click the links below to learn more.
NDPC offers a wide range of national, regional, and special topic conferences addressing all facets of the dropout prevention issue.
Customized Events, Seminars, and Presentations
The National Dropout Prevention Center has deep experience and recognized expertise creating and presenting professional development events for teachers, administrators, and practitioners. The topics listed here are among those most requested and relate to stakeholder involvement in dropout prevention, preparing a comprehensive dropout prevention plan, and providing supports for struggling students, all with the goal expanding opportunities for students at-risk of disengaging and dropping out of school to remain in school, graduate, and become successful postsecondary and in life. In addition to the specific topics noted here, we will tailor programs to meet your specific needs.
- Understanding Dropout Prevention
- Creating a Dropout Prevention Plan
- The Role of the Principal [or Mayor, School Board, Community, Business, or any Stakeholder or Stakeholder Group] in Dropout Prevention
- Alternative Schooling
- Risk Factors and Model Program Strategies
- Effective Strategies for Dropout Prevention
NDPC Presentations, Speeches, and Workshops
Presentation Topics:
Note: The following topics are adaptable to time formats ranging from 45-minute general sessions to 3+ hour participatory workshops. Each of these presentations is typically customized to fit specific audiences and participant groups and to include locally-relevant data, examples, and activities.
- Strategies of Addressing the Issue of Childhood Trauma
- Building Resiliency to Improve Behavior and Learning of Trauma-Impacted Students
- Educator Strategies to Manage Trauma-Induced issues in the Classroom
- Lessons Learned from Successful Alternative Programs
- Dropout Prevention: Where Are We? What Have We Learned? What Works?
- Leading Graduation Rate Improvement in Your School System and Community
- The Local School Board’s Role in Improving Graduation Rates
- Applying Effective Strategy Research in the Local Context to Improve Graduation Rates
- Lessons Learned from Schools and Districts that Have Improved Graduation Rates
- “We’re Working So Hard. Why Aren’t Our Graduation Rated Improving?”
- Achieving Maximum Results from Alternative Schools and Programs
- Using Professional Development to Improve Graduation Rates
- Strategies for School Reentry and Dropout Recovery
- Leadership Strategies for Improving Graduation Rates
- Leveraging the Community to Improve Graduation Rates
- Engaging Families to Improve Graduation Rates
- Improving Graduation Rates in the Rural Context
- Implementing a Graduation Coach Program for Improved Graduation Rates
- Policy and Procedural Considerations for Graduation Rate Improvement
- Improving Graduation Rates Among (a specific sub-group or population)
- Students of color
- Students with disabilities
- Immigrant youth
- Economically disadvantaged students
To discuss schedule speeches, presentations, or workshops contact Todd Daggett at