Online Professional Development in
Dropout Prevention Strategies
NDPC offers online courses in each of the 15 research-based Effective Strategies for Dropout Prevention. The 15 Effective Strategies are formally adopted by numerous states and school systems as highest-impact interventions for graduation rate improvement. Each online course takes participants through an exploration of what the strategy is, how it fits within the 15 Effective Strategies model, and the research supporting it, allowing participants to envision for themselves how the strategy can be implemented well within their own schools and communities. Participants investigate successful implementations across the country, potential benefits and barriers to implementing the strategy, and key implementation characteristics to consider in setting up their own programs. The cost of each course is $99 except for the overview course which costs $149.00 and carries two credits toward certification. Each self-paced course takes from 60 to 120 minutes to complete, except the overview course which takes about 6 hours to complete. Online courses may be used in grant programs to prepare staff for the most effective implementation of grant-funded initiatives.
Courses can be purchased individually or can be purchased in bulk as part of a contracted service.
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Courses Available
Active Learning
After-School/Out-of-School Opportunities
Alternative Schooling
Career and Technical Education (CTE)
Early Childhood Education
Dropout prevention starts before students arrive to school. Learn how you and your community can be proactive in decreasing your dropout rate years in advance.
Early Literacy Development
Early literacy makes a difference in dropout rates. Learn the importance of early literacy and how community and school organizations can work together to help students develop early literacy skills at home and at school.
Educational Technology
Family Engagement
Personalized Learning
Professional Development
Safe Learning Environments
School-Community Collaboration
Service-learning is a highly engaging form of learning that is somewhat directed by the student. Learn more about how service-learning can help your potentially disengaged students involve themselves in something that truly matters to others through service.
Systemic Approach
Overview Course
Course 1: Trauma-Skilled Schools (Overview)
Course 2: Trauma-Skilled Schools Educator Knowledge
Course 3: Trauma-Skilled Schools Course: Building a Climate of Resilience
Course 4: Trauma-Skilled Schools Course: Management Skills for Educators
Course 5 Trauma-Skilled Schools Course: Implementation and Maintenance Strategies
Step 4 and Step 5 define the processes for Assessment, Implementation, Maintenance, and Validation of the of the Trauma-Skilled Schools Model. This course highlights the strengths of different methods of implementation of the model and outlines how to earn and maintain Trauma-Skilled Schools certification for a school or district.