Early High School Dropouts: What Are Their Characteristics?

This recently released 2-page report/infographic from the Institute of Education Sciences uses data from the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09) to examine the extent to which high school students drop out of school between the ninth and eleventh grade and how dropout rates vary by sex, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic status.

Usher Lays Out His Plan To Combat High School Drop Out Rates

“It’s not enough to dream big. You have to have the tools and skills to make it happen.” Indeed, mentoring is one effective practice in preventing students from dropping out of school, according to the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network.

Summer Learning: Graduation Rates Get Boost Through Summer Learning

From Southern Education Desk:   But the hot days of summer bring benefits for students when they’re spent soaking up learning, she says. “Summer is the only chance kids have to get caught up and get ahead,” she says.. And that boost helps kids from falling behind and being held back says Sandy Addis of… Read More »

NPR Reports that Alabama is on Track to Report a 90% High School Graduation Rate

From NPR News: “On Track To A 90 Percent Graduation Rate In Alabama” According to data released by the U.S. Department of Education, Alabama has experienced one of the nation’s steepest increases in high school graduation rates, though the 8 point rise between 2010 and 2013 still leaves the state one point below the national… Read More »

Excellent Interactive Infographic from EdWeek

EdWeek has put together an excellent and engaging picture of the state of graduation rates in the U.S. This excellent interactive graphic allows you to see graduation rates for high school students on a state-by-state basis, as well as the rates for particular categories of students (e.g., economically disadvantaged, or by ethnicity).

West Virginia Schools Top National Average for Retaining Students with Disabilities

In a report from The State Journal (A West Virginia business newspaper), high school students with disabilities graduated at a higher rate than the national average. “Released June 4, the report used data from the U.S. Department of Education’s office of special education programs to report that nearly 73 percent of West Virginia students with… Read More »

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