Anita Lazurus

School Counselor at Greenville County Schools Group Homes

Greenville, SC

Anita Lazarus has always felt that building relationships with students was at the core of education. She earned a BA in Education and Masters in School Counseling from Clemson University. This is her 21st year in education and she has worked in several different roles with students including teaching middle school math and science and serving as a school counselor in both Greenville and Horry County. Her previous role, which she says was the most challenging yet most rewarding, allowed her the opportunity to teach a Teen Leadership class in a Title 1 middle school; a position provided by the “On Track Greenville” grant. This was funded through Greenville County, United Way and other donors to provide resources to “at risk” youth to keep them on track to graduate. Through this experience, she truly realized the impact of trauma on her students and became passionate about learning and sharing ways to make it better for the students as well as the teachers. She currently serves as the school counselor for the Greenville County Group Home Program. This program serves students who have been placed in PRTF’s, local group homes and the GCJDC. The entire student population has suffered from some sort of trauma and understanding the TSS model is a crucial first step in meeting the needs of students.

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