Letter From Our Director

Welcome to www.dropoutprevention.org, the world’s most utilized dropout prevention resource. The National Dropout Prevention Center exists to support the work of those who help students succeed in school and in turn graduate with meaningful high school credentials, ready for work and additional education. In 1986, the National Dropout Prevention Center was established to provide information, resources, research, tools, and support to the nation’s dropout prevention professionals. Over the more than 30 years we have been working, we have become the primary go-to resource that supports improvement of graduation rates.

From the beginning of my dropout prevention work in 1988 to the time I joined the staff of the National Dropout Prevention Center in 2013, my efforts were supported and enhanced by the Center’s training, publications, tools, research, evaluation services, and guidance. As Directer of the Center, my goal is to provide the same support to the thousands of dedicated professionals who work daily to help every child graduate.

I encourage you to utilize the resources of the National Dropout Prevention Center to enhance your efforts. Review our resources, attend our conferences and training events, view our webcasts, check out the Model Programs Database, and consider becoming a member of our Network or a National Dropout Prevention Specialist. If you have a specific need or suggestions about how we can better serve you, contact us. Most importantly, continue your interest in and work on behalf of students who might not graduate from high school without you.


Sandy Addis, EdD
Director, National Dropout Prevention Center

Letter From Our Director
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