Systemic and Professional Development Approach to Dropout Prevention

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Webcast Details

Aired on: November 8th, 2016

3:30–4:30 p.m. (ET)

Presentation Slides

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Our Guest(s) This Week

Carolyn Heflin

Carolyn Heflin

Carolyn Heflin is an educator who enjoys the challenges and rewards while working in high-poverty, culturally rich schools in Louisiana, Texas, and Alaska. During Carolyn’s 20-year career as an educator, she has been a teacher, assistant principal, district reading facilitator, and principal. She is currently the Director of Curriculum and Instruction for the Bering Strait School District in Unalakleet, AK.

J. Kelly Tonsmeire

J. Kelly Tonsmeire

J. Kelly Tonsmeire is the Founder and Project Director of the Alaska Staff Development Network (ASDN), a division of the Alaska Council of School Administrators. For more than 30 years ASDN has provided face-to-face and online training to teachers and state-wide, as well as technical training to Alaska’s school districts. Kelly has designed and directed numerous school improvement grant projects, which were funded by private foundations and the U.S. Department of Education. He is the recipient of four major, national education awards, including a National Dropout Prevention Network (NDPN) Crystal Star Awards of Excellence in Dropout Recovery, Intervention, and Prevention.

This Week's Topic

The Bering Strait School District is located in western Alaska and serves 15 small, isolated communities comprised of an Alaska Native population. In 2010, Bering Strait School District’s graduation rate was 48%. Stakeholders in the district came together, applied for, and received a grant from the Alaska Native Education Equity Program through the U.S. Department of Education. In 2016, Bering Strait School District’s graduation rate was 79%. This Solutions webcast focuses on the planning and implementation that the Bering Strait School District utilized in order to receive these gains in graduation rates.

The Systemic and Professional Development Approach to Dropout Prevention Solutions webcast will illustrate:

• straightforward concepts for school and district in system planning and implementation in the area of dropout prevention, and
• manageable approaches for school and district in professional development planning and implementation in the area of dropout prevention.


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