Pasco School District Teen Parent Program: Our Children Are Our Legacy

The broadcast will begin at 3:30 PM ET. If you are having difficulty streaming the video, refreshing the web page at 3:30 PM may resolve this issue. An archived version of the show will be available. If you experience trouble streaming, please email We will try to get you up and watching as quickly as possible!

Webcast Details

Aired on: October 28th, 2008

3:30–4:30 p.m. (ET)

Presentation Slides

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Our Guest(s) This Week

Christy Challender

Christy Challender

Christy Challender is the principal of New Horizons High School, where the Teen Parent program is housed for the Pasco School District. Her other experiences in education include being a middle school alternative classroom teacher, activities director, and dean of students, and assistant principal of an elementary school.

This Week's Topic

The program today will focus on the Teen Parent Program at New Horizons High School in Pasco, Washington. The goals of this program are to help teen parents complete high school; reduce subsequent pregnancies; and prepare young parents for self-sufficiency. For the past ten years, this program has been meeting these goals with a variety of strategies which will be shared during this webcast.


Presentation Slides pdf.

Boys & Girls Clubs of America(2010).

University of Minnesota College of Education (2010).  Check and Connect.

Family Violence Prevention Fund. (2010).

National Women’s Law Center(2010).

National Dropout Prevention Center/Network (2008).  Video: An Interview with Christy Challender.

National Dropout Prevention Center/Network (2008).  Video: Taryn Wilgus Null talks about female dropouts.

When Girls Don’t Graduate, We All Fail pdf(2007).   Washington, DC : National Women’s Law Center.


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