Webcast Details
Aired on: November 29th, 2011
3:30–4:30 p.m. (ET)
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Our Guest(s) This Week
Drew Hinds
Drew Hinds has taught in Idaho, California and Oregon, served as a school and district https://dropoutprevention.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/C.W.-Gardenhire-pic.jpgistrator, and currently serves as the alternative programs and instructional materials specialist at the Oregon Department of Education. As the alternative programs specialist, he is responsible for state educational policy and evaluation that impacts more than 400 alternative programs that serve more than 15,000 Oregon students. Drew’s areas of interest include educational leadership, curriculum evaluation, online/blended learning and the design and evaluation of new and innovative schools. Drew holds a master’s degree in education from Western Oregon University and is a doctoral student at Portland State University.
Chet Edwards
Chet Edwards taught in traditional and nontraditional schools for 10 years, His career then took him to the central office of the Portland Public Schools, where he served for nearly 20 years as the https://dropoutprevention.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/C.W.-Gardenhire-pic.jpgistrator in charge of education options. During his tenure, Chet increased the number of students in district alternative schools from 150 to more than 3,000 per year, and the number of alternative programs from five to 35. For four years following retirement from PPS in 2005, Chet was the principal of a regional alternative high school. Chet’s areas of interest include educational leadership and the design and evaluation of new and innovative schools that contribute to a reduction in the number of high school dropouts. Chet holds a master’s degree in public https://dropoutprevention.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/C.W.-Gardenhire-pic.jpgistration and a specialist’s degree in advanced educational leadership from Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon.
This Week's Topic
The presenters will share a step-by-step guide to designing and evaluating innovative schools with descriptions of effective programs for credit recovery and dropout prevention. The guide may be used to think “outside the box” about what schools could be and how they can support students as they progress toward a diploma.
Alternative Education: Kentucky’s Customized Solution. (2011).
Alternative Schools: Best Practices for Development and Evaluation. Effective Strategies.
(2003).Education Northwest. (2011).
Essential Elements of Effective Alternative Schools Worksheet .