Service-Learning: A Dropout Prevention Strategy and MORE!

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Webcast Details

Aired on: December 3rd, 2009

3:30–4:30 p.m. (ET)

Presentation Slides

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Our Guest(s) This Week

Cathryn B. Kaye

Cathryn B. Kaye

Cathryn Berger Kaye, M.A., president of CBK Associates and author of The Complete Guide to Service Learning: Proven, Practical Ways to Engage Students in Civic Responsibility, Academic Curriculum, & Social Action and the How to Take Action Series for Kids. Cathryn travels across the United States and internationally speaking to teachers from elementary to high school, state and district, and university faculty along with community partners to promote high quality service learning, and student engagement and achievement. Her program Strategies for Success with Literacy: A Learning Curriculum that Serves has been used with over 40,000 students in the Los Angeles Unified School District as part of their dropout prevention plan. Cathryn can be reached at and

This Week's Topic

Real, relevant, engaging – an excellent formula for students to move toward success.

How does service-learning bring together best teaching strategies to create authentic education, provide meaning and purpose, and motivate youth to be involved? And why do these elements keep our youth in school and move them from surviving to thriving?

Across this country, service-learning is increasingly viewed as an effective part of a dropout prevention plan. Find out:

  • What is service-learning?
  • How does service-learning work?
  • What practical ideas can be put to use to see results?

Generate success and build transferable skills that lead to inner confidence all youth need to succeed and to thrive! Keep in mind that service-learning is academic, rigorous, and filled with genuine opportunities for students to apply their ideas, interests, skills, and talents toward the common good – a win-win for all involved.

Internationally renowned speaker and author Cathryn Berger Kaye brings years of experience as a classroom teacher and program developer of service learning ideas and practices that are used across the country. She is known for providing easy-to-use information built on substantial proven strategies that bring classrooms to life. Who benefits? Students, and their teachers, schools, and families – and the communities they impact.

Join this radio webcast for good stories, practical ideas, and resources you can use!


Presentation Slides  pdf

ABCD Books and CBK Associates(2010).

Audio: An Invitation from the National Dropout Prevention Center(2009).

Go To Service-Learning(2009).

Learn and Serve America. (2008).

National Service-Learning Clearinghouse(2010)

National Service-Learning Partnership. (2009)

National Youth Leadership Council(2012).

Kaye, C. B. (1998).  Parent Involvement in Service-LearningLinking Learning with Life.

Kaye, C. B. (2010).  Service-Learning: A Dropout Prevention Strategy and MORE! pdf.

Video: Bring Learning to Life. (2008).

What Kids Can Do (WKCD)(2009).

Youth Service America(2010).


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