The Positive Effects of Mentoring

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Webcast Details

Aired on: June 16th, 2009

3:30–4:30 p.m. (ET)

Presentation Slides

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Our Guest(s) This Week

Kate Schineller

Kate Schineller

Kate Schineller is Vice President of Special Projects and Initiatives at MENTOR as well as the Project Director of the Mentoring Children of Prisoners: Caregiver's Choice Project. Previous to this position, she served as the Director of Training, Technical Assistance and Research at MENTOR. Over the past ten years she has helped develop and oversee a number of youth mentoring programs in urban communities of New York City as well as rural regions of central Vermont. She has written e-newsletter articles, hosted virtual workshops, and conducted technical assistance site visits with Mentoring Children of Prisoners grantees. She also recently collaborated with other mentoring professionals to develop recruitment materials, training manuals and handbooks targeting immigrant and refugee youth. Kate spent nearly five years as a coordinator in the Community Affairs Unit at the Manhattan District Attorney's Office. Kate also promoted the D.A.'s LegalBound program, a series of law-related curricula, throughout Manhattan, to public and private schools. Kate holds a Bachelor of Arts from the State University of New York at Buffalo and a Master's of Arts from the University of Toronto.

This Week's Topic

Mentoring is one of the most effective and certainly the most economical dropout prevention strategies. But in order to have positive effects, mentoring needs to incorporate the right elements, i.e., The Elements of Effective Practice.

Kate Schineller will present a full program about mentoring, including who needs mentors; what the research says; and program design and planning. She will then introduce listeners to a successful mentoring program for children of prisoners, the Caregiver’s Choice Project, a demonstration project of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and by her organization, MENTOR.


Presentation Slides  pdf

Family and Corrections Network. (2009).

How to Build a Successful Mentoring Program pdf.

Mentoring Children of Prisoners. (2009).

National Mentoring Month. (2002).National Mentoring Month – Public Service Announcements. (2009).

National Mentoring Partnership(2010).

Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory’s National Mentoring Center(2010).

Karcher, M., & Herrera, C. (2007).  School Based Mentoring pdfResearch in Action. Alexandria, VA : MENTOR/National Mentoring Partnership.

Smink, J. (1999).  A Training Guide for MentorsClemson, SC : National Dropout Prevention Center.

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