Dropout Prevention in the Digital Society

The broadcast will begin at 3:30 PM ET. If you are having difficulty streaming the video, refreshing the web page at 3:30 PM may resolve this issue. An archived version of the show will be available. If you experience trouble streaming, please email ndpc@dropoutprevention.org. We will try to get you up and watching as quickly as possible!

Webcast Details

Aired on: April 14th, 2009

3:30–4:30 p.m. (ET)

Presentation Slides

How to Interact with the Show


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Our Guest(s) This Week

Doris Settles

Doris Settles

Doris Settles is interested in many things, but a common thread through all her endeavors is technology. She speaks and writes extensively for national, regional and local organizations on technology, education and other human interest topics. She has taught at the secondary and college levels, incorporating technology into her teaching, adding components as new technologies surfaced, and continues to look at ways technology improves instruction. She developed and taught the first Virtual Freshman Composition sequence at the University of Kentucky, and has consulted with education, social work, mental health, law enforcement, and many others to create safe, supportive and engaged digital citizens. Ms. Settles holds degrees in English, Journalism, and Instructional Design. She lives in Lexington, Kentucky, with her husband and their Pekingese (surrogate for an empty nest). Ms. Settles has recently authored 'Virtual Parenting', a concise, entertaining book that demystifies and empowers adults to join the Digital Society.

This Week's Topic

Being a teenager today is very different from when most of us reading this description were struggling with our own teen angst. Today students have no privacy, no “safe place,” and an audience that is truly, truly global. All with the click of a mouse. They are the ‘digital natives’….

Doris Settles, nationally recognized Digital Culture and Safety speaker and author of the recent book, ‘Virtual Parenting’, will discuss solutions for the adult community, ‘the digital immigrants’, to make education, work skills, and social interaction relevant, rigorous, and safe for these ‘digital natives’. This always-on, always-connected environment is foreign to most of us, and the technologically immersed environment in which they live has little, if any, connection to the world run by adults, disengaging those already headed for dropping out even further. The solution, according to Settles, is to work together.


Presentation Slides  pdf

Addressing Bullying in Schools: An Introduction to the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program(2008).  Solutions to the Dropout Crisis.


Cyberbullying.org. http://www.cyberbullying.org/. (2009).

Digital Citizenship: Using Technology Appropriately(2010).

eSchool News.

The International Society for Technology in Education(2010).

National Dropout Prevention Center/Network (2009).  Video: Doris Settles Keynote – As the World Turns. 

Settles, D. (2009).  Virtual ParentingThe Publishing Place.


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