Specialists By State

Emily Freeland
The Impact of Alternative Education Credit Recovery on the Academic Success of Students At Risk of Dropping Out
Key words: alternative education, credit recovery, relationships, self-paced programs

Maria Cuzzocreo
Mesa, AZ
Dropout Recovery Program – Reengaging the Disengaged
Key words: Dropout Recovery Programs, Grad Solution

Kris Flaven
Glendale, AZ
Learning to be Agile by Scrumming Students
Key words: alternative education, agile, agile learning, hope, scrum, alt ed, credit recovery, dropout prevention, grad rate, online learning, systemic approach

Denise Hoy
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Innovative and Flexible Alternatives
Key words: Flexible schedule, innovative, dropout, credit recovery, school-to-work

Jamie Alarcon
Glendale, CA
Sunshine Club in Alternative School
Key words: dropout prevention, school climate, student volunteer

Becky Manning
Englewood, Colorado
Key words: charter, high school, student progress, growth, tracking system, intervention

Burton A. Watson, Jr.
Wilmington, Delaware
Red Clay Consolidated School District Prevention Conference/Partnering for Success
Key words: community engagement, stakeholders, community partnerships, professional learning

Victoria Benton
Crawfordville, Florida
Wakulla County Schools
Projects Coordinator
Wakulla Institute
Key words: consistency, patience, trust, understanding, intervention, and caring

Yvette Corbin
Pinellas Park, Florida
Transition Rubric
Key words: restorative, attitude, accountability, academics, attendance

Santa Cuccio
Pinellas Park, Florida
Transition Rubric
Key words: restorative, attitude, accountability, academics, attendance

Dr. Pamela M. Davis
Jacksonville, Florida
Bridge to Success Program for Over Age Students
Key words: Attendance, Credit Acquisition, Discipline, Graduation, Over Age

Dr. Jamie Donnelly
Pinellas Park, FL
Transition Rubric
Key words:restorative, attitude, accountability, academics, attendance

Sharon Fahey
Pinellas Park, Florida
Transition Rubric
Key words: restorative, attitude, accountability, academics, attendance

Taylor Firman
Panama City, Florida
Graduation Plan Advantage (GPA) Program
Key words: at-risk, goal-setting, short-term accomplishments, praise, dropout prevention, visualization, quantified graduation goals

Dawn Hamilton
Clearwater, Florida
Small Group Strategizing for Success on High School High-Stakes Reading Testing
Key words:relationships, anxiety, dropout prevention, high-stakes testing, concordant scores

Darren W. Hammond
Pinellas Park, Florida
Transition Rubric
Key words: restorative, attitude, accountability, academics, attendance

Donna Hulbert
Clearwater, FL
The Continuing Battle with Attendance
Key words: Attendance, Truancy, Data-Driven Decisions, Intervention, Child Study Team, High School Level

Greg Kahn
Clearwater, Florida
Enterprise High School
Key words: Drop-out prevention, credit recovery, blended learning, flexible scheduling, morning or afternoon school, public charter school

Martina C. Lucas
Panama City, Florida
Building Positive School Culture from the Ground Up
Key words: Promoting Positive School Culture through Building Genuine Relationships

Nancy H. Nielsen
Live Oak, Florida
Rewriting the Story
Key words: virtual education, individual learning plans, credit recovery

Aleya Prier
Jacksonville, Florida
The Bridge to Success Academy at West Jacksonville: The Opportunity not a Punishment
Key words: Double Promotion, Credit Acquisition, Middle School, Accelerated Learning, Over-Aged, Retention

Etje Ramdohr
Pinellas Park, Florida
Transition Rubric
Key words: restorative, attitude, accountability, academics, attendance

Lynn Bowens Turner
Tallahassee, Florida
Statewide Conference: Educational Strategies and Student Engagement Institute (ESSEI)
Key words: education stakeholder collaboration, professional learning, student engagement strategies, dropout prevention, dissemination of promising practices

Saletria Cail
College Park, Georgia
McClarin Operation Graduation
Key words: nontraditional high school, credit recovery, mentoring, community involvement, Teacher as Advisor, Increased Learning Time, ILT

Dr. Alicia R. Dunn
Jonesboro, Georgia
Graduation Begins in Kindergarten: A Multi-Tiered Collaborative Approach to Improving the Graduation Rate
Key words: graduation counselor, academic advisement, wrap-around services, family engagement, community resources, credit recovery, extended learning opportunities, Teachers as Advisors

Marianne Dyer
Gainesville, GA
Using a Unified System of Learning Supports to Boost High School Completion
Key words: systemic approach, professional development, school-community collaboration

Tamera Foley
Jonesboro, Georgia
Dropout Recovery Options Program/Academy
Key words: intervention program, recovery program, virtual learning, Advisory Council, social services, community agencies

Shiamorra Green
College Park, Georgia
McClarin Operation Graduation
Key words: nontraditional high school, credit recovery, mentoring, community involvement, Teacher as Advisor, Increased Learning Time, ILT

Garolyn Grooms
College Park, Georgia
McClarin Operation Graduation
Key words: nontraditional high school, credit recovery, mentoring, community involvement, Teacher as Advisor, Increased Learning Time, ILT

Charlene Hampton
Thomaston, Georgia
Upson-Lee Learning Academy
Key words: alternative education program, mentoring

Sheri Hardin
Cleveland, Georgia
Operation Success: Mountain Education Charter High School Curriculum Review Process
Key words: alternative education program, curriculum review, standards alignment

C. Wayne Lovell
Cleveland, Georgia
Mountain Education Charter High School Academic Tracking System (ATS)
Key words: charter, high school, student progress, growth, tracking system, intervention

Christine Martinez
Blairsville, Georgia
Lee Arrendale State Prison Project
Key words: Credit Recovery, Earning High School Diploma during Incarceration

Sandra E. McKissic
College Park, Georgia
McClarin Operation Graduation
Key words: nontraditional high school, credit recovery, mentoring, community involvement, Teacher as Advisor, Increased Learning Time, ILT

Jason Moore
Augusta, Georgia
Reaching Potential though Manufacturing: Strategies to Help At-Risk Students Graduate and Become Career Ready
Key words: dropout prevention, at-risk, alternative education, career ready, graduation rate, blended learning, effective strategy, community partnerships, manufacturing

Ebony Payno
College Park, Georgia
McClarin Operation Graduation
Key words: nontraditional high school, credit recovery, mentoring, community involvement, Teacher as Advisor, Increased Learning Time, ILT

Tonya Plant
Rome, Georgia
ASPIRE Active Student Participation Inspires Real Engagement
Key words: student led IEP; self-determination skills

Diane Rice
Marietta, Georgia
Cobb County School District Early Literacy Intervention
Key words: Early Literacy, phonics, Primary Intervention, data, collaborative partnership

Tracy Sanford
Blairsville, Georgia
Lee Arrendale State Prison Project
Key words: Credit Recovery, Earning High School Diploma during Incarceration

Leigh Sears
Gainesville, Georgia
A Systemic Approach: Structuring School Improvement to Meet the Needs of Diverse Group of Learners
Key words: Systemic Approach, Diversity, Equity of Access, Attendance, Behavior, Classroom Success

Monica Seeley
Conyers, Georgia
PREPARE Student Advisement Program
Key words: Advisement, mentoring, academic monitoring, diploma planning, post-secondary planning, career planning, interventions for at-risk students

Kedric Sledge
College Park, Georgia
McClarin Operation Graduation
Key words: nontraditional high school, credit recovery, mentoring, community involvement, Teacher as Advisor, Increased Learning Time, ILT

Pam Smith
Cleveland, GA
Mountain Education Charter High School Student Services Department Comprehensive Staff Induction Program
Key words: at-risk students, at-risk staff development, new staff induction, building capacity, long-term planning, school culture

Victoria Stroud
Cleveland, Georgia
Mountain Education Charter High School: Success Stories
Key words: student success

Miranda Totherow
Blairsville, Georgia
Lee Arrendale State Prison Project
Key words: Credit Recovery, Earning High School Diploma during Incarceration

DeAnna Williams
Bartow County, Georgia
Co-Teaching Strategies for Student Success
Key words: coaching model framework, professional development, co-teaching strategies

Melinda Faye Williams
Thomaston, Georgia
Upson-Lee Learning Academy
Key words: alternative education program, mentoring

Kim Nix
Champaign, Illinois
Attendance Improvement Program
Key words:Alternative Schooling, Credit Retrieval, Tutoring, Academic counseling, Community involvement, Restorative Practices and Mentoring

Jennifer Alonso
Indianapolis, Indiana
Indianapolis Public Schools
Graduation Services Coordinator
Attendance Matters Initiative
Key words: attendance, graduation, early intervention, graduation coach

Lisa Brenner
Indianapolis, Indiana
Attendance Matters Initiative
Key words: attendance, graduation, early intervention, graduation coach

Janessa Walters
Marion, Iowa
ALO (Accountability, Leadership, Opportunity) Student Group
Key words: Accountability, Leadership, Opportunity, Support, and Prevention

Donna Crouch
Mayfield, Kentucky
Graves County Virtual School (GCVS) Pilot Program
Key words: Alternative education, virtual learning, performance-based credit, silent dropouts, homeschool, non-punitive

Susan Kennedy
Louisville, Kentucky
Beating the Odds
Key words: alternative education, virtual learning, high school curriculum, individualized learning, online learning, credit recovery, learning management platform, at-risk students

Mary Pat Sexton
Louisville, Kentucky
Key words: Alternative Education, virtual learning, high school curriculum, open enrollment, open exit, individualized learning plan, student advocate, credit recovery

Seith Bedard
Peabody, Massachusetts
Simon Youth Foundation’s
Academy Grade Level Measure
Key words: reading, mathematics, academy

Tammie Shepherd Pate
Shoreview, Minnesota
College Pals Mentoring Program
Key words: mentoring program

Frederick L. Hickmon Ed.S; A.B.D.
Choctaw, Mississippi
Central High School Dropout Prevention Program
Key words: student advocacy groups, data discussions, parent involvement

Tiffany L. Hoard
Jackson, Mississippi
MLI 2016 Dropout Prevention Summit Educating Educators toward Differentiated Education
Key words: Mentoring, community partnerships, professional development, differentiated instruction, nontraditional learning

J. Scott Rimes
Florence, Mississippi
Parent and Community Outreach Program “Tiger Tours” McLaurin High School parent engagement, community involvement, building relationships
Key words: parent engagement, community involvement, building relationships

Rowena York
Choctaw Mississippi
Central High School Dropout Prevention Program
Key words: student advocacy groups, data discussions, parent involvement

Lateshia Woodley
Kansas City, Missouri
McClarin Success Academy
Key words: nontraditional high school, credit recovery, mentoring, community involvement, Teacher as Advisor, Increased Learning Time, ILT

Cameron L. Smith
Salem, New Jersey
Office of College and Career Readiness
Key words: college-ready, career-ready, student activities, community involvement

Shawneen Matask
Brooklyn, New York
Dropout Prevention, Intervention and Recovery: The Benefits of a Comprehensive School-Wide Initiative to Build
Key words: Social Emotional Comprehension and Interventions among Middle School Students” dropout prevention, social emotional comprehension, middle school student

Anna Treppiedi
Rockaway, NY
Success Mentoring Initiative Program
Key words: Mentor, Success, Attendance, Engagement, Graduation, Coach, New York

Jessica Elias
Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina
Alternative Graduation Pathway
Key words: relationships, student narrative, alternative graduation pathway, traditional school pathway

Mary Finley
Marion, North Carolina
Making a Difference through Community Connections
Key words: community, partnerships, mentoring, relationships

Natalie Gouge
Marion, North Carolina
Making a Difference through Community Connections
Key words: community, partnerships, mentoring, relationships

Ralphel Holloman, Sr.
Henderson, North Carolina
Youth Empowerment Academy
Key words: alternative to suspension, intervention, dropout prevention

Angela F. Lassiter
Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina
Alternative Graduation Pathway
Key words: relationships, student narrative, alternative graduation pathway, traditional school setting

Marina Leonidas
Charlotte, North Carolina
Truancy Court Diversion Program
Key words: mentor, community volunteers, business partners

Martha M. Maness
Lexington, North Carolina
Teen Parent Program of Davidson County Schools
Key words: teen pregnancy, parenting courses

Millard McCluney
Charlotte, North Carolina
Maximize Your Potential Academic Enhancement Program (MAX)
Key words: Youth Development, Tutoring, Out-of-School Time Programming

Donna T. Smith
Lexington, North Carolina
Student Advocate/Administrative Specialist Project
Key words: alternative education, student advocate specialist

Amy Nicol-Wagner
Marysville, Ohio
Career Connections Program, Bunsold Middle School
Key words: career based intervention, middle school, experiential learning, service learning, career exploration, soft skills, life skills

Pat O’Connor
Kent, Ohio
Professional Resources/Publications Analysis for NDPC/N
Key words: NDPC publications

Amy Herbst
Medford, Oregon
Building a Culture of Hope through College and Career Readiness
Key words: Hope, Engagement, College and Career Readiness, Mentorship, Opportunity, Graduation

Brenda Morton
Newberg, Oregon
Dropout Prevention: An Exploration and Creation of At-Risk Students in a Rural Oregon School District
Key words:Barriers to graduation

Kerry Abel
Columbia, South Carolina
Richland County School District One
Coordinator of Dropout Prevention
Richland County School District One Male Empowerment Summit: Dream It, See It, Do It, Live It: Building a Resilient, Competent and Confident Young Man Building a Resilient, Competent, and Confident Young Man
Key words: Building a Resilient, Competent, and Confident Young Man

Shawn Corry
Gaffney, South Carolina
Gaffney High School Bridge Program
Key words: student transition, mentoring, community partner

Raashad Fitzpatrick
Gaffney, South Carolina
Gaffney High School Bridge Program
Key words: Guiding student transition through mentoring

Daniel Foster
Gaffney, South Carolina
Gaffney High School Bridge Program: Guiding student transition through mentoring.
Key words: guiding student transition through mentoring

Lakeisha F. Lawrence
Orangeburg, South Carolina
Orangeburg Consolidated School District Five: Evening Middle and High School Program
Key words: alternative setting, over-age students, credit recovery, self-paced program, flexible schedule, dropout prevention, online learning

Coretta McGill
Columbia, South Carolina
EXCEL Academy and the Road to Recovery
Key words: alternative education, credit recovery, self-paced strategies, online learning, blended learning, dropout prevention

Loranda Melton
Columbia, South Carolina
EXCEL Academy and the Road to Recovery
Key words: alternative education, credit recovery, self-paced strategies, online learning, blended learning, dropout prevention

Marlon Eugene Prince
Bennettsville, South Carolina
Bridges to Success-Transformation, Transition and Motivation
Key words: transformation, motivation, confidence, theory, professional, knowledge, trials, tribulations, application

Amanda Elmore Ruppe
Gaffney, South Carolina
Gaffney High School Bridge Program
Key words: student transition, mentoring, community partner

Heidi Shealy
Lexington, SC
Peer Mentoring Program (Link Crew)
Key words: Mentoring, Peer Mentoring, Ninth Grade Transition

Herbert “Book” McCray
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Boys to Men: A Male Mentoring Model
Key words: Mentoring

Dr. Magdalena Aguilar
El Paso, Texas
Very Important Person (VIP) Program
Key words: at-risk, dropout prevention, reducing recidivism, alternative placement

Joan M. Arasteh
Katy, Texas
Dropout Prevention, Intervention and Recovery Coordination for Katy ISD Texas Education Agency Designated Best Practices for Dropout Recovery Resources
Key words: personalization, building relationships, intervention, recovery coordination, Purpose, passion, performance, personalization, authenticity, advocacy, accountability, recover, (re)engage, empower #GladtoGrad

Kenric Collins, M.Ed.
Fort Worth, Texas
Fort Worth Independent School District Early Detection and Literacy Intervention for Dropout Prevention
Key words: Early Literacy Detection, Early Intervention, Graduation

Sonja Bens Harrison
McKinney, Texas
REACH One Child at a Time
Key words: mentor, community volunteers, business partners

Kathleen Hodges
Fort Worth, Texas
Fort Worth Independent School District Adolescents Pregnancy and Project Reach and Compensatory Education Home Instructions (CEHI) For Dropout Prevention
Key words: Early Intervention, Pregnancy, Parenting Students, Student Support, Graduation

Christopher C. Riddick
Fort Worth, Texas
Fort Worth Independent School District Comprehensive Truancy Intervention Program
Key words: truancy, collaborative partners, judicial system

Barry C. Smith
Fort Worth, Texas
Comprehensive Truancy Intervention Program (CTIP)
Key words: Truancy, attendance court

Craig Mark Zeno
Houston, Texas
Relationship Matters @ Westbury High School
Key words: community involvement, mentoring, intervention

Kathleen Chronister
Kaysville, Utah
The First EVER Utah Alternative Education Association Conference On Dropout Prevention
Key words: alternative education, professional learning, state association, increased graduation rates, systemic change, partnerships

Nicole Duplain
Suffolk, Virginia
Pre-Freshman Summer Transition Program
Key words: at-risk, rising freshman, transition program, summer program

Robert L. Eichorn
Manassas, Virginia
Program Title: Creation of a Comprehensive K-12 Nontraditional School
Key words: K-12 Nontraditional, Instructionally Focused, Community Based, Mastery Based Learning, Project Based Learning, Digital Learning, Career and Technical Education Focused, Model Programming, Flexible Scheduling, Multi-modal Instruction, Outcomes Based Education, Post-Baccalaureate Planning, Stakeholder Involvement, Accountability, Assessment, Continuous Development

Teren Jackson
Herndon, Virginia
Family Academic Support Team TM Implementation
Key words: wrap-around support; virtual school; family engagement; community-based resources

Shanan Chappell Moots
Norfolk, Virginia
The Open Campus High School: An assessment of student recovery, engagement, and achievement
Key words: Dropout recovery, credit recovery, student engagement, alternative high school

Erica Seybert
Herndon, Virginia
SY 2015-2016 Family Academic Support Team TM
Key words: Family engagement, systemic approach, educational technology, relationships

Cherish R. Skinker
Harrisburg, Virginia
“Reaching All Students in An Inclusive Classroom: Implementing Differentiation and Specially Designed Instruction”
Key words: special education, differentiation, specially designed instruction, inclusion, general education

Patty Blake
Dunbar, West Virginia
Chandler Bee-haviors
Key words: Alternative Education, At-Risk Populations, Character Education, Positive Behavior and Interventions Supports (PBIS)

Lisa Heinbaugh
Clarksburg, West Virginia
Graduation 20/20 Regional School Support Specialist
Key words: Early warning systems, at-risk populations, intervention tracking, attendance,
mentoring and building relationships

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