My name is Kim S. Nix and I am the Lead Attendance Improvement Specialist for the Regional Office of Education #9. I currently oversee two counties; Champaign and Ford, working with 14 school districts total. I hold a Bachelors and Masters in Psychology and I am also licensed in Child Welfare and Foster care. I have an extensive history working in the Champaign Unit 4 School District in numerous fields, including Special Education. I have always had a passion in helping children reach their full potential throughout their educational journey. I work hard to find resources, create programs, offer support, mentor or assist in any way possible to meet student/family needs. I am here to make a difference. Progress is-a-Process!
Contact Information
Kim Nix
Lead Attendance Improvement Specialist
Regional Office of Education # 9 Champaign-Ford Counties
(217) 239-0322
Field Project
Attendance Improvement Program
Project Location
Champaign, IL