Services & Certifications

The National Dropout Prevention Center (NDPC) exists to support those who work to improve student success and graduation rates. NDPC offers a wide range of resources and services to schools, districts, regional agencies, and states at no cost or at cost. Additional information about NDPC resources and services may be found throughout our site, or by contacting Dr. Sandy Addis, NDPC Director, at

Publications, Journals, and Newsletters

NDPC offers journals and resources that inform dropout prevention practitioners of research findings, effective strategies, and current issues. NDPC also offers over 60 books, guides, and reports for educators, dropout prevention leaders, and students. Journals, newsletters, and books are available by visiting the RESOURCES and Shared Materials tabs on the navigation menu above. 

Model Programs Database

NDPC offers a free-to-use, searchable online database of over 300 model dropout prevention programs across the country that may be reviewed, utilized, contacted, or visited by practitioners searching for practical solutions. Visit The Model Programs Database page.

Solutions Webcasts

NDPC offers multiple Solutions to the Dropout Crisis broadcasts featuring dropout prevention experts and practitioners describing their findings, strategies, and successes in a televised talk show format. More than 70 Solutions broadcasts are archived and available for individual viewing or for use in group professional learning settings free here.

Research Reports

NDPC offers a number of reports that establish the research foundation of effective dropout prevention practices. NDPC research reports can inform school district decision making, guide policy, and support grant proposal concepts. NDPC research reports are free to download.  

Customized Research Services

NDPC designs and conducts studies for school districts, states, and providers to assess the impact of dropout prevention interventions and programs. NDPC studies are customized to meet local needs and to provide the information needed to make well-informed program-matic decisions. To learn more, contact Sandy Addis at

Selection of Products, Services, and Practices

NDPC will assist schools, districts, and regional agen-cies to identify, review, evaluate, and select practices, products, and services for improved graduation rates. NDPC’s three decades of professional experience and national perspective will assist schools and districts to achieve the most impactful and cost-effective deci-sions when selecting and purchasing dropout preven-tion products, services, and interventions. To learn more, contact Sandy Addis at

Alternative School and Program Support

NDPC has extensive experience in design, evaluation, and improvement of alternative schools and pro-grams. NDPC stands ready to assist school districts to assess alternative programs and to support maximum effectiveness of alternative program initiatives. To learn more, contact Sandy Addis at

Speakers and Professional Development

NDPC offers a wide variety of presentations, work-shops, and professional learning events on numerous dropout prevention topics. NDPC can provide keynote addresses, conference presentations, or job-embedded workshops with follow-up for teachers, counselors, leaders, community members, parents, and agency personnel on topics ranging from issue awareness to specific dropout prevention strategies. For more information, contact John Gailer at

Program Assessments and Reviews (PARs)

NDPC will conduct data-based, on-site assessments of existing dropout prevention practices for schools, school clusters, and districts and provide leaders with reports of effectiveness and research-based recommendations for modifications that are most likely to improve student success and graduation rates. PARs are nonjudgmental assessments by teams of school-friendly experts and help school leaders best determine areas to target and practices to alter for higher graduation rates. To learn more about this service, visit here and contact Sandy Addis at

Diploma Planning Institutes

A team of NDPC experts will train and guide school, district, or community teams to analyze local data and circumstances to develop and implement research-based dropout prevention plans. NDPC’s Diploma Planning Institutes can improve existing initiatives or replace random acts of dropout prevention with strategic, calculated, and likely-to-succeed initiatives. Diploma Planning Institutes are well-suited for multischool districts or offering by regional service agencies and provide long-term, follow-up support for local teams that are responsible for implementation and outcomes. To learn more, visit here and contact John Gailer at


NDPC offers a wide range of national, regional, and special topic conferences addressing all facets of the dropout prevention issue. NDPC conferences provide current information to teachers, counselors, social workers, administrators, school board members, and agency personnel. At NDPC conferences, practitioners network with, learn from, and are motivated by national expert speakers and hundreds of special content presentations. NDPC’s experienced conference staff will assist states, school clusters, and regional agencies to plan and conduct locally specific conferences that target graduation rate improvement. Visit our conference page for information on upcoming as well as past conferences. For assistance with a specialized conference for your state or region, contact . 

Community and Leader Involvement

NDPC will assist local school districts to mobilize and engage the greater community in dropout prevention through design and development of strategies, campaigns, media releases, and events. NDPC staff will advise local leaders on proven community dropout prevention campaign strategies, provide community engagement materials, train education leaders in community engagement, and support local events. For information about how NDPC can support community and leader involvement, contact Sandy Addis at

Program Design Services

NDPC will assist schools, districts, and regional agencies to design dropout prevention programs and interventions that address specific student risk issues and local issues. NDPC staff has extensive experience in design, rollout, administration, and support of local and regional initiatives to improve graduation rates. For more information, contact Sandy Addis at

NDPS Certification Program

NDPC offers a nationally recognized credential for practitioners and others who work with at-risk youth who demonstrate expertise and are trained, current, and professionally networked in the area of dropout prevention. The National Dropout Prevention Specialist (NDPS) Certification Program provides field practitioners with research-based professional development, field project experience, and professional contacts toward attainment of national certification. The field accomplishments and contact information of NDPS Certificate holders are shared nationally as a resource for others working in dropout prevention. To learn more, visit here and contact

Trauma-Skilled Certification Programs

NDPC offers Trauma-Skilled Specialist Certification for individuals and Trauma-Skilled School Model Certification for schools and districts. Both are based on the NDPC Trauma-Skilled School Model and provide specific action steps to increase the chances of trauma-impacted and stressed students succeeding and graduating. NDPC Trauma-Skilled Specialists are recognized on the NDPC website upon attaining national certification. For more about Trauma-Skilled Specialist Certification for individuals, contact

Grant Development Support/External Evaluation

NDPC assists schools and districts in the design and development of competitive grant proposals. As a grant partner, NDPC adds value to competitive proposals through external evaluation, dissemina-tion, project-integrated professional development, and sustainability strategies. NDPC is an experienced and credible external evaluator of state, foundation, and federal grant programs and will assist in the design of grant evaluation models. For information, contact Sandy Addis at

Policy and Legislative Consultation

As the nation’s oldest and most utilized dropout prevention resource, NDPC stands ready to consult with school districts and states on development and implementation of policy, rules, and/or legislation that impacts graduation rates. For additional informa-tion, contact Sandy Addis at

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