Timothy D. Nolan

Timothy D. Nolan

Timothy D. Nolan, Cincinnati State
Technical & Community College

Professor Emeritus, is currently in his 51st year in education and serves as a consultant in career technical education for Cincinnati Public Schools and as an instructional coach for High Schools That Work/Making Middle Grades Work (HSTW/MMGW) of Southwest Ohio.

After teaching for 36 years in secondary and postsecondary institutions, he retired from both the University of Cincinnati and Cincinnati State, where he worked on the team that founded Cincinnati State Technical & Community College. He has served as Director of Professional Development for the National Association of Tech Prep Leadership and coordinated two major national conventions for the National Career Pathways Network in Cincinnati in 2002 and 2008. Additionally, he has delivered high-powered, professional development workshops and courses in 39 states and Canada.

Mr. Nolan earned the 1990 State of Ohio College Teacher of the Year Award as well as numerous awards for research, publications, and service. He was named the State of Ohio’s recipient of the 2005 Perkins Humanitarian Award for a lifetime of service to career technical education and its students.

He and his wife, Peg, are dedicated child advocates who, as foster parents for 22 years, have cared for 60 children awaiting adoption through Catholic Social Services and both Clermont and Hamilton County Children Services.

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