Page Nichols

Page Nichols

Page Nichols and Pender Makin, Co-Founders of Collaborative for Perpetual Innovation, have worked directly with Maine’s most at risk adolescents in a number of capacities. Page has worked in an international sexual health clinic for young women, developed a teen parents program, served as a mentor for adjudicated youth, and for the past 7 years has served as the Restorative Justice Specialist for Maine’s largest regional alternative and day treatment school. Pender and Page have dedicated hundreds of volunteer hours working with disabled students in Maine’s locked juvenile justice facilities, and both have been appointed to Maine’s Juvenile Justice Advisory Group. Together, along with three colleagues, they co-founded Collaborative for Perpetual Innovation in order to widely share human-centered educational practices. Pender and Page speak locally and nationally on topics that include: Restorative Justice School Discipline; Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning; Classroom Management; and Brain-Based Strategies for Improving Organizational (and Personal) Affective Well-Being. Pender is a recipient of the Milken Educator Award and Maine’s Principal of the Year award; Page was recently honored with the Commissioner’s Award (for outstanding work with Maine’s at-risk youth) and the Youth Empowerment Award through the Maine Youth Action Network.

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