Franklin Schargel

Franklin Schargel, a native of Brooklyn, New York now residing in Albuquerque, NM, is a graduate of the University of the City of New York. Franklin holds two Masters Degrees: one in Secondary Education from City University and a degree from Pace University in School Administration and Supervision. His career spans 33 years of classroom teaching, school counseling, and eight years of school supervision and Franklin is the author of six well-received books: ‘Transforming Education Through Total Quality Management: A Practitioner’s Guide’, ‘Strategies to Help Solve Our School Dropout Problem’, ‘Dropout Prevention Tools, Helping Students Graduate’, ‘Best Practices to Help At-Risk Learners and From At-Risk to Academic Excellence: What Successful Leaders Do’, as well as many articles published in the leading educational journals and business magazines. Franklin had great success in dramatically enhancing the learning process in his school, expanding parental involvement, increasing postsecondary school attendance, and significantly lowering the students’ dropout rate.

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