Gloria Boutte

Gloria Boutte

University of South Carolina

Dr. Gloria Boutte is a professor at the University of South Carolina. For more than three decades, Dr. Boutte’s scholarship, teaching, and service have focused on equity pedagogies and teaching for social justice. She has served as Department Chair and held a distinguished endowed chair for four years. Dr. Boutte is the author/editor of numerous publications and four books: (1) African Diaspora Literacy: The Heart of Transformation in K-12 Schools and Teacher Education (forthcoming) (2) Educating African American Students: And how are the children; (3) Multicultural Education: Raising Consciousness and (4) Resounding Voices: School Experiences of People From Diverse Ethnic Backgrounds. She has more than 90 publications. Additionally, she has presented nationally and internationally on equity, community, curriculum, instruction, and diversity issues. She has received prestigious awards such as the Fulbright Scholar and Fulbright Specialist. Dr. Boutte is the founder of the Center of Excellence for the Education and Equity of African American Students (CEEEAAS). She has presented her work internationally in London, Cameroon, Colombia, China, Sierra Leone, Ghana, England, Zambia, Botswana, South Africa, Australia, Guyana, Jamaica, Mexico, New Zealand, Nigeria, and Canada.

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