Dina Pacis

Dina Pacis

Associate Professor and Chair
Department of Educational Administration School Counseling and School Psychology
Sanford College of Education
National University
Assistant Editor of the Journal of At-Risk Issues

Dr. Dina Pacis is a faculty member and Department Chair for Educational Administration School Counseling and Psychology at the Sanford College of Education at National University. In addition to Educational Administration, School Counseling and School Psychology, Dr. Pacis oversees the Higher Education Administration and Applied Behavior Analysis programs. Dr. Pacis is a former PK-12 educator who spent almost 20 years as a public school https://dropoutprevention.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/C.W.-Gardenhire-pic.jpgistrator, peer coach/staff developer, and teacher. Her research interests include program evaluation, women in leadership, diversity, and social justice. She has taught courses related to methods of teaching and research, clinical practice for https://dropoutprevention.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/C.W.-Gardenhire-pic.jpgistrators and teachers, supervision of teachers, education law, and curriculum and instruction.The Journal of At-Risk Issues is a biannual, scholarly journal that has been published by the National Dropout Prevention Center since 1994. It is an important vehicle for dissemination of research for practitioners, policymakers, and other researchers in the field of at-risk issues. Through the networks and collaborative work of the NDPC Research Fellows, the journal will continue to grow and bring new perspectives to these issues.

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