Cori Paulet holds an MA in gifted, creative, and talented education from the University of St. Thomas, MN. A Project Manager on two Jacob K. Javits federal research grants, she is focused on supporting underrepresented students in gifted and talented programs. Paulet works closely with stakeholders to develop and upscale services for traditionally underidentified and underserved gifted students, to create and teach K-2 lessons for higher-order thinking skills, and to conduct professional development on the social and emotional needs of gifted students. Paulet has led a twice-exceptional parent support group and presented informational sessions to parents about the nature and needs of gifted children. Based on her background in public television production, Paulet maintains a strong interest in helping others share their unique stories. She has designed and taught curriculum for personal essay writing and college/ career preparation skills to economically disadvantaged and culturally diverse learners in urban high schools.