National Dropout Prevention Center/Network Unites Efforts in Combatting Dropout
Significant Enrollment Gains for National Dropout Prevention Specialist Certification Program
CLEMSON, S.C. (07/05/2016)—The National Dropout Prevention Center/Network (NDPC/N) notes significant growth in participation in the National Dropout Prevention Specialist (NDPS) certification program indicating that the program has been widely accepted and is meeting the needs of those who work with at-risk youth,, counselors, policymakers and educators.
The NDPS certification program was implemented in February 2015. Since its implementation, the program has recognized 25 completers and has 299 additional people currently enrolled in the program. NDPS certification verifies participant knowledge and expertise in at-risk youth issues and strategies for increasing graduation rates. The certification program is open to all professionals who work with or on behalf of students, including educators, counselors, school, at-risk youth workers, and board of education members.
“We have seen the program grow exponentially since its beginning,” said Dr. Sandy Addis, Executive Director of the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network. “This growth indicates that the need is great and that practitioners and others recognize the value of the program itself. We could not be more excited to offer this valuable resource. The certification program is among the most important initiatives our organization provides and helps ensure that those who are engaged in educating students are informed, current and connected to the most effective, research-based strategies for decreasing the nation’s dropout rates.”
All NDPS certification program participants attend professional development conferences and workshops. Workshops required for certification are based on the NDPC/N’s 15 Effective Strategies for Dropout Prevention framework, which is comprised of fifteen recommendations in the categories of School and Community Perspective; Early Interventions; Basic Core Strategies; and Making the Most of Instruction.
To secure their certification, participants are also required to submit a field project report detailing an effective dropout prevention initiative in which they are involved or which they designed. These field projects are then accessible nationwide for practitioners and others to use as resources at Each National Dropout Prevention Specialist has completed NDPC’s professional learning program and has demonstrated experience and expertise through completion of their approved field project. Specialists are willing to serve as resource contacts for others and their Field Project Reports are offered as a resource for those seeking strategies and solutions for improved graduation rates and student success.
“Currently, we have close to 300 practitioners enrolled in our National Dropout Prevention Specialist certification program, with more enrolling every month,” said Dr. Addis. “It is our goal and mission to continue to increase the number of foot soldiers nationwide who are engaged in providing students, districts and agencies with up-to-date, effective interventions that support students as they work to obtain their high school diplomas.”
For additional information on the NDPS certification program or to enroll, visit the NDPC/N Web site at
About the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network (NDPC/N)
Established in 1986 with a mission to reduce dropout rates, the NDPC/N shares solutions for student success and dropout prevention through active research and evaluation projects, publications, and a variety of professional development activities and conferences. The organization’s website——is the nation’s leading resource in providing effective, research-based solutions to engaging and supporting students to reduce dropout rates and increase high school graduation rates. The NDPC/N is housed in the College of Education at Clemson University, Clemson, SC.
Photo Caption: Pictured (L to R) are Kedric Sledge, Garolyn Grooms, Shiamorria Green, Dr. Lateshia Woodley (principal), Saletria Cail and Sandra McKissic, all team members at McClarin Success Academy in Fulton County, Georgia, and Dr. Sandy Addis, Executive Director of the National Dropout Prevention Center. McClarin Success Academy’s team increased their school graduation rate from 19% to 50% in two years and represents the first full staff team nationwide to complete the NDPS Certification Program as a cohort group. Several other alternative school faculties across the nation are now following the McClarin example.
For Additional Information Contact:
Lynn Dunlap, Public Information Director
National Dropout Prevention Center/Network
Phone: 864-656-2678