The National Dropout Prevention Center/Network celebrates 30 years of dedication to research, best practices, and model programs on dropout prevention, recovery, and reentry during a program that features the following scheduled speakers: College of Education Founding Dean George Petersen; Dr. Jay Smink, former Director of the NDPC/N; Richard Riley, former U.S. Secretary of Education and Governor of South Carolina; and Dr. Sandy Addis, NDPC/N Executive Director. Areas of pre-program interest include interviews with former NDPC/N staff and congratulatory video messages from state Superintendents and Commissioners of Education from across the U.S. The program will conclude with a special announcement from Dr. Addis that as a part of the NDPC/N work going forward, October is now registered as National Dropout Prevention Month to call attention to the need for school dropout prevention initiatives. An archive of the presentation will be available shortly.