NDPC Materials
The 15 Effective Strategies for Dropout Prevention Online Courses: Overview Course. (2017). National Dropout Prevention Center/Network.
The 15 Effective Strategies for Dropout Prevention Online Courses: Career and Technical Education (CTE). (2017). National Dropout Prevention Center/Network.
The 21C Workplace. (2016). Solutions to the Dropout Crisis.
Capacity Building: STEM to STEAM in South Carolina. (2015). Solutions to the Dropout Crisis.
Competency-Based Learning. (2015). Solutions to the Dropout Crisis.
The Life-Changing Impact of Life Skills Instruction. (2014). Solutions to the Dropout Crisis.
Making Sense of the Evidence: A Review of Dropout Prevention Strategies. (2014). Solutions to the Dropout Crisis.
NDPC/N Newsletter: STEM Education – Volume 24, Number 1 . (2013).
Career-Focused Education as a Statewide Mandate: Eight High Schools in South Carolina. (2012). Solutions to the Dropout Crisis.
CTE: Key to Education Reform, Preparing the Future Workforce. (2011). Solutions to the Dropout Crisis.
The 15 Effective Strategies for Dropout Prevention. (2011). Solutions to the Dropout Crisis.
Project-Based Learning: A Working Model for Student Engagement. (2011). Solutions to the Dropout Crisis.
Making the Connection: Advanced Technological Education and Dropout Prevention. (2010). Solutions to the Dropout Crisis.
Graduation and Collaboration Coaches: Working Effectively Together. (2009). Solutions to the Dropout Crisis.
Video: Using Your Math and Science (ATETV). (2009).
Connected Counseling: Connecting Students to Success. (2008). Solutions to the Dropout Crisis.
Video: Connected Counseling in Action.
(2008).NDPC/N Newsletter: Career and Technology Education – Volume 20, Number 3 . (2008).
Helping Students Graduate: A Strategic Approach To Dropout Prevention. Larchmont, NY : Eye On Education.
(2004).Career and Technical Education and the 15 Effective Strategies for Increasing Graduation Rates . Clemson, SC: National Dropout Prevention Center.
(2002).Enhanced Vocational Education: Developing a District-Wide Dropout Prevention Program . Solutions and Strategies.
Pionteck, M.E., Kannapel, P.J., Flory, M., & Stewart, M. (2016). The Implementation of Dual Credit Programs in Six Nonurban Kentucky School Districts.
National Network of Business and Industry Associations. (2015). Work-and-Learn in Action: Successful Strategies for Employers
Bridging the Disconnect . Center for an Urban Future.
(2014).Ready for college and ready for work: Same or different?. Iowa City, IA : Author.
(2006). (2006).Decreasing the Dropout Rates in the United States – Panel Discussion. (2006).
Dropping out of high school and the place of career and technical education: A survival analysis of Surviving High School. Columbus, OH : National Dissemination Center for Career and Technical Education.
(2005).Features of occupational programs at the secondary and postsecondary education levels. Washington, DC : National Center for Educational Statistics.
(2001).Learning technology: Effective use of technology in education; A report on the status of technology in preparing students for the workplace . Waco, TX : Center for Occupational Research and Development (CORD).
(1996).What Work Requires of Schools: A SCANS Report for America 2000. (1991). US Department of Labor.
A Vision for High Schools: Joining Academic and Technical Studies to Promote More Powerful Learning.
Advanced Technological Education Television
Association for Career and Technical Education
the largest national education association dedicated to the advancement of education that prepares youth and adults for careers
CTE Clearinghouse: Work-based and Service Learning
ATE Central (Advanced Technological Education)
Building STEM Teacher Leadership
Center for Occupational Research and Development (CORD)
a national nonprofit organization providing innovative changes in education to prepare students for greater success in careers and higher education; also sponsors the National Tech Prep Network and assists educators in secondary schools and colleges
CTE’s Role in Dropout Prevention and Recovery
Kickstarting Education
With public education funding coming under increasing scrutiny, it can be difficult for teachers to insure that they are addressing basic educational needs, let alone find the capacity or space in their budgets to do something creative or original. So, like many artists that have chosen to trod the new territory of being independent, some teachers and other creative types have begun to turn to new sources of funding; in particular, crowd-sourced funding sites like Kickstarter. Educators can do the same.
Mat Ed National Resource Center (Materials Science)
National Center for Manufacturing Education
National Research Center for Career and Technical Education
SC ATE National Resource Center