Alternative Schooling Resources

NDPC Materials

The 15 Effective Strategies for Dropout Prevention Online Courses: Overview Course. (2017). National Dropout Prevention Center/Network.

The 15 Effective Strategies for Dropout Prevention Online Courses: Alternative Schooling. (2017). National Dropout Prevention Center/Network.

“Introducing Solutions to the Dropout Crisis Magazine. (2017). Solutions to the Dropout Crisis.

“Alternative Education: ‘Setting a Trend, Breaking a Trend’”. (2017). Solutions to the Dropout Crisis.

Competency-Based Learning. (2015). Solutions to the Dropout Crisis.

Dropout Recovery Model for Youth: An Innovative Partnership Between a School District and City Government. (2014). Solutions to the Dropout Crisis.

How to Create and Sustain World Class Alternative Schools. (2014). Solutions to the Dropout Crisis.

Making Sense of the Evidence: A Review of Dropout Prevention Strategies. (2014). Solutions to the Dropout Crisis.

Creating the Schools and Learning We Need—In Class and Online. (2013). Solutions to the Dropout Crisis.

NDPC/N Newsletter: Pregnant and Parenting Students – Volume 23, Number 3   pdf. (2013).

Expecting Success From Pregnant and Parenting Students: The Law and Promising Practices. (2012). Solutions to the Dropout Crisis.

Developing Alternative Education and Innovative Schools. (2011). Solutions to the Dropout Crisis.

The 15 Effective Strategies fro Dropout Prevention. (2011). Solutions to the Dropout Prevention Crisis.

Middle College High School: A Meaningful Option. (2008).  Solutions to the Dropout Crisis.

Pasco School District Teen Parent Program: Our Children Are Our Legacy. (2008).  Solutions to the Dropout Crisis.

Policies and Practices Related to Student Failure and Dropping Out: Tools and Resources. (2008).  Solutions to the Dropout Crisis.

Grier, T. B., & Peterson, K. D. (2006).  Middle College High Schools: A Meaningful Option for Disconnected High School Students. Effective Strategies.

Smink, J., & Schargel, F. P. (Eds.). (2004).  Helping Students Graduate: A Strategic Approach To Dropout Prevention. Larchmont, NY : Eye On Education.

Reimer, M. S., & Cash, T. (2003).  Alternative Schools: Best Practices for Development and Evaluation. Effective Strategies.


The School Discipline Consensus Report  pdf. (2014).

Build a School in the Cloud. (2013).

Zweig, J. M. (2003).  Vulnerable youth: Identifying their need for alternative educational settings  pdf.

Hinz, L. (1998).  Positive Directions for Schools and Communities: Non-traditional alternative to school organization. Seeds of change: Positive directions for schools and communities. University of Minnesota Extension Service.

Kellmayer, J. (1995).  How to establish an alternative school. Thousand Oaks, CA : Corwin Press.


Alternative Education Resource Organization

Alternative Education Resource Organization (AERO) is a nonprofit organization founded in 1989 by education expert Jerry Mainz to advance learner-centered approaches to education. AERO is considered by many to be the primary hub of communications for educational alternatives around the world.

Fifty-State Survey of State Education Agencies’ Online School Disciplinary Data

Interagency Support and Collaboration-Recommend practices

New Directions Alternative Education Center

New Directions Alternative Education Center Receives National Acclaim

The International Association for Learning Alternatives

The New York State Alternative Education Association

furthers and supports multifaceted instructional approaches and means of assessing learning for all students, particularly those in nontraditional environments (many states have similar organizations)

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