Trauma-Skilled Schools™ Virtual Institute

Trauma-Skilled Schools™ Virtual Institute

It has never been more important to support our trauma-impacted students.

From the health-related concerns brought about by COVID–19 and subsequent related economic uncertainties to the ongoing challenges of racial inequities and social justice, trauma has increasingly affected our students and our communities.

While it is helpful to be trauma-aware and trauma-informed, it is more vital than ever that our schools also take the next step to become Trauma-Skilled by applying and building on their existing awareness and information. Every adult in the system must have a deep understanding of trauma and its impact on student behavior and readiness to learn. In addition, every adult must have the SKILLS necessary to create a culture that is supportive of students impacted by trauma.

To help schools address the effects of trauma and build a supportive culture for trauma-impacted students, the National Dropout Prevention Center is sponsoring a Trauma-Skilled Schools Virtual Institute. The Institute will build the capacity of participants in the following areas:

  • Understanding the various forms of trauma and its impact on the brain and nervous system
  • Applying that understanding to the work in schools to support positive behavior and to increase students’ readiness to learn
  • Building new skills to support students who are impacted by trauma
  • Initiating the capacity to build a trauma-skilled school culture

This virtual event will include independent work prior to and throughout the Institute with the following synchronous events:

  • March 1st from 3:30 PM– 5:00 PM (ET) – Trauma Knowledge
  • March 3rd from 3:30 PM– 5:00 PM (ET) – Building a Culture of Resilience
  • March 8th from 3:30 PM– 5:00 PM (ET) – Focusing on Skill Acquisition
  • March 10th from 3:30 PM– 5:00 PM (ET) – OPTIONAL IMPLEMENTATION

Registration Fee: $179

Additional Benefits:

  • Participants in the offering will receive a Continuing Education Certificate.
  • Participation in this training fulfills the professional development requirement that is a part of Trauma-Skilled Specialist certification 
  • Participants will receive a $50 discount on Trauma-Skilled Specialist certification application fees.
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