A team of experts will train and guide your team to analyze your school/district data and circumstances to develop and implement research-based dropout prevention plans during a customized Diploma Planning Institute (DPI).
Data-based on-site assessments of existing dropout prevention practices provide school/district leaders with reports of effectiveness and recommendations for modifications to improve graduation rates during a Program Assessment and Review (PAR).
The Diploma-Minded Principal presents a full-day professional learning workshop designed to help school leaders create conditions conducive for success. The workshop addresses the concepts, mindsets, attitudes, behaviors, and skills that system-level leaders must master to lead significant graduation rate improvement.
The National Dropout Prevention Center can be a partner or lead agency for school, district, state, and federal grants and contracts. The Center is also an experienced and credible external evaluator of state, foundation, and federal grant programs and will assist in the design of grant evaluation models.
The National Dropout Prevention Center works with school/district leaders to incorporate cost-effective project components and services to support student achievement and graduation rate improvement into grant proposals.
The National Dropout Prevention Center conducts professional development events, seminars, and presentations for schools/districts that are topic-specific and geared to stakeholders of your choice on dropout prevention, preparing a dropout prevention plan, and providing supports for struggling schools/districts.
Technical assistance, including customized research services, is available to your community, county, district, or state to develop customized solutions, tools, and workshops on dropout prevention, reentry, and recovery and increasing graduation rates.
The National Dropout Prevention Center (NDPC) encourages local school districts to join the 2018-19 Innovation and Transformational Leadership Network offered by the American Association of School Administrators (AASA) and to consider focusing local district goals on addressing the local dropout issue.
The National Dropout Prevention Center offers selected research reports and papers at no cost.
The National Dropout Prevention Center offers a collection of print materials, videos, webcasts, and slide presentations specifically to improve graduation rates in rural schools and communities.
Founded on the research-based 15 Effective Strategies for Dropout Prevention, dropout prevention specialist certification verifies participant knowledge and expertise in at-risk youth issues and strategies for improving graduation rates.