Resiliency: The Missing Piece in Early Warning Systems

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Webcast Details

Aired on: August 9th, 2016

3:30–4:30 p.m. (ET)

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Our Guest(s) This Week

LeAnn Stewart

LeAnn Stewart is Vice President of Curriculum and Instruction  at AdvancePath  Academics, a  company that works with district partners to deliver educational solutions that work for students at every level of academic achievement by engaging students in their learning process and providing the focus and guidance needed to keep them on track. AdvancePath Blended Learning Model has proven to specifically address the needs of students experiencing academic, socio-emotional, and behavioral challenges—students who may be in danger of dropping out of school. LeAnn has over  25 years of com-bined experience in K-12 and post-secondary education, with extensive experience in product management and instructional technology. LeAnn also served in various positions with the University of Missouri, Univer-sity of Louisville, Missouri Depart-ment of Education, and with leading instructional technology companies. LeAnn has provided consultative services to the Hawaii Department of Education’s Adult Education Unit, Pennsylvania Department of Correc-tions, and various national organizations including the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network. LeAnn is a creative, visionary leader with expertise in educational technology, professional develop-ment, and blended learning for K12, adult, postsecondary, and workforce environments. She willingly shares her proficiencies in delivery-model design, policy/procedure, and tool development, as well as instructional content integration and systemic educational change.  

This Week's Topic

Many school districts use attendance, behavior, and coursework (ABC) data as the key indicators in their early warning systems. Now, with the new Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) legislation, we must also look deeper at the nonacademic indicators of achievement and improvement. So, what if we could add resiliency and social, emotional data to develop a truer picture of the whole student?

This Solutions to the Dropout Crisis webcast explores the benefits of assessing students’ values, motivations, stress levels, health habits, confidence, and connections and then comparing results to what we know about successful high school graduates. We will discuss the following:

• Real life examples of how ABC data, when used in isolation, would have missed finding at-risk students

• Overview of resiliency research (including longitudinal studies linking strong resiliency to academic success)

• Using resiliency data with MTSS and RTI

• Planning interventions based on resiliency data


Presentation Slides

Close, W. and Solberg, V. S. H. (2008). Predicting achievement, distress, and retention among Lower Income Latino Youth.  Journal of Vocational Behavior, 72, 31-42.

Davis, A., Solberg, V. S., de Baca, C., & Gore, T. H (2014). Use of Social Emotional Learning Skills to Predict Future Academic Success and Progress Toward Graduation. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 19, 169-182.

Frazelle, S. & Nagel, A. (2015). A practitioner’s guide to implementing early warning systems (REL 2015–056). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Regional Educational Laboratory Northwest. Retrieved from

Gillis, S. A. (2011). A Structural Equation Model of Resiliency in Adolescence. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Doctoral Research Dissertation.

Masten, A., Best, K. M., & Garmezy, N. (1990). Resilience and development: Contributions from the study of children who overcome adversity. Development and Psychopathology, 2, 425–451.

Multon, K. D., Brown, S. D., & Lent, R. W. (1991). Relation of self-efficacy beliefs to academic outcomes: A meta-analytic investigation. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 38, 30–38.

Solberg, V.S.H. (n.d.). Empirical research and underlying research framework for Success Highways. Denver, CO: ScholarCentric.

Solberg, V.S.H., Close, W., & Metz, A.J. (2002). Promoting success pathways for middle and high school students: introducing the Adaptive Success Identity Plan for school counselors. In C. L. Juntunen & D. R. Atkinson (Eds.), Counseling across the lifespan (pp. 135-157). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Getting Smart Blog post: Social and Emotional Learning and Assessment:  The Demand is Clear.

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